Wednesday 10th June a bright but cold morning with a chill North East wind for my visit to Shapwick Moor NNR First seen a Hobby with a large Dragonfly ,Male Marsh Harrier ,a pair of G-w-Egrets flying towards Shapwick,Black-h-Gull took a fish from directly in front of my position but a L-b-Gull was unlucky in its attempt to snatch a duckling, Then along came a Reed Warbler to serenade me it was within six feet but never showed itself, Cetti`s Warbler and Reed bunting close by ,Cuckoo passed over head as did a Little Egret but the highlight of the morning was a very vicious fight between two Male G-c-Grebes no beaks barred no Queensbury rules,seeing her mate getting the worst of the fight Mrs Grebe dashed in to take part ,it appeared no serious injury was suffered and both birds withdrew ,presumable to fight another day.
Photos on website.