Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Egyptian Goose Ham Wall

Egyptian goose hanging out at Ham Wall VP2

Plus plenty of Hobbies and some Spotted Flycatchers.

Pictures of all of them on the blog.

Re: Egyptian Goose Ham Wall

FYI - your pic of a 'spotted fly' is a dunnock

your 'arctic tern' the other day is a common tern

Re: Egyptian Goose Ham Wall

Thanks for the corrections. That must mean that the rest of it is right!

I am sure there will be a few more errors to come.

Watch this space and keep checking for obvious mistakes.

The Dunnock one is a serious blooper.

The tern I can live with...

Re: Egyptian Goose Ham Wall

Some magical shots of Hobbies on your website - thanks to you and Andrew for sharing them!

And by the way, no worries about the mis-labelling, I have it on good authority that Spotted Flycatcher and Dunnock taste exactly the same to almost all Sparrowhawks. In fact, in a blind test after the feathers had been plucked, 9 out of 10 hawks couldn't tell the difference.


Re: Egyptian Goose Ham Wall

That made me laugh Nick :-)

Enthusiasm can sometimes cloud our judgement.

But we always enjoy ourselves which is all that really matters.

Now we just need to track down a Sparrowhawk eating a Dunnock/Flycatcher.

That would make a good picture I'm sure you would agree

Re: Egyptian Goose Ham Wall

i wouldnt worry about the mislabelling overmuch, we all mess up sometimes

just thought you'd want them right

and i echo nicks sentiments on the hobby shots, very enjoyable series of such a fantastic falcon