19:00 hrs, 2/5, Kentish Plover in breeding plumage, Stert Point from end hide at high tide feeding with small group of Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Sanderling.
Seen again 12pm (per Chris Griffin) so presumably bucking the almost invariable rule that it's not worth going looking for waders at Steart at low tide. The 1996 Kentish at Steart did the same thing, so maybe that counts as a pattern for this species? Perhaps it prefers to stay on the sandy shore at the top of the beach rather than going out on to the mud? Pure speculation on my part.
Unfortunately, some visiting birders apparently ignored signs and went out beyond the hides to try to see the bird when it went out of view. The various news information services have been asked to put out messages reminding birders that this is not allowed, and some at least have done so.