Somerset Ornithological Society - Bird News
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Cheddar Res

No sign of Little Gulls or Terns this morning, but lots of new birds.c50 Swallow, c 40 Sand Martin and single House Martin.1 Yellow Wag, 1 Common Sand, 1 Kittiwake roosting on the sailing club pontoon and 2 Barnacle Geese.

Re: Cheddar Res

1 Arctic Tern patrolling the south side this evening.

Re: Cheddar Res

Arctic Tern and Kittiwake still present this morning. Also 6 Common Sand and 4 White Wag.

Re: Cheddar Res

group of 7/8 house martins this morning around 07:30, west side dropping down to the lane

Re: Cheddar Res

10 Common Sandpipers this am

Re: Cheddar Res

Arctic Tern and 4 Common Sand this evening.

Re: Cheddar Res

cuckoo calling this early morning, s/west side in the fields... my first hearing of this bird for two years!!

Re: Cheddar Res

A single Yellow Wagtail this am (SW corner) and 8 Common Sandpipers

Re: Cheddar Res

Also 1 White Wag, an impressive flock of c200 Sand Martin, 2 Swallow and a Sparrowhawk.

Re: Cheddar Res

Forgot to mention, I heard what sounded like a Whitethroat singing in the small nature reserve area East of the Sailing club - no sightings though...

Re: Cheddar Res

No sign of any terns on the reservoir this afternoon, but at least 6 Common Sandpipers along the SW corner.

Re: Cheddar Res

Jeff Hazell
No sign of any terns on the reservoir this afternoon, but at least 6 Common Sandpipers along the SW corner.

AM VISIT - 10 Common Sandpiper, 1 Dunlin, 1 Cuckoo, 1 White Wagtail, 2 Common Whitethroat, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Reed Warbler

No Terns

Re: Cheddar Res

11 common sand and one LRP among them, 3 oyster catcher also, and over a hundred mixed martins and swallow after a feast skimming the waves,a group of whitethroat but only one showing and singing in the copse next to the sports field

Re: Cheddar Res

late morning - 26th:

16 common sandpipers, 17 dunlin & 3 oystercatchers - all getting a lot of grief from pedestrian disturbance, which soon persuaded at least 8 of the dunlin to leave high to the north.

c.50 swallows and 20 house martins and a brood of 7 mallard ducklings with mum on the lake.

Re: Cheddar Res

18 Common Sand and a single Dunlin his evening. Also mixed flock of c100 Swallow, Sand martin and House Martin.

Re: Cheddar Res

6 Common Sandpiper between the Axbridge tower & the car park this morning. Also 3 White Wagtail & Several hundred Swallow, House & Sand Martin, with a single Swift amongst them.

Re: Cheddar Res

14 Common Sand this morning along with 2 yellow and 4 white wagtail. Also impressive compact flock of c150 Sand Martin. Only 1 House Martin and a couple of Swallow with them.

Re: Cheddar Res

8 Common Sand, 2 White Wag, I Common Tern and 10 Swift this morning. Also a pair of Sparrowhawk and 2 Buzzard over the Mendips.

Re: Cheddar Res

3 Common Sand and a fly by flock of 9 Whimbrel this morning. Also flock of c500 Sand Martin and c150 Swallow over the water, with a White Wagtail and Lesser Whitethroat around the edge. 1 Peregrine flashed by with the afterburners on!

Re: Cheddar Res

very early walkabout this am,at the res, 6 common sand ,of which 4 flew off to the west away from the res, 2 yellow wag;s one white wag' and two fledgling pied wags feeding with adults near Axbridge tower, very large accumulation of martins and swallow over the water and along the res'bank s/west side, and a group of around a dozen [first of the year] Swifts approaching from the sports field, a further deviation toward the lane leading to the River Yeo, saw 5 Reed Bunting 3 m and 2 f, 4 reed warblers, 6 chiff chaff, several more swallow along the river,and a Buzzard

Re: Cheddar Res

distant sounds of a cuckoo near the fishing lake ,and two Kestrel,one by the copse alongside the sports field,another at the bottom end of the rugby pitch off Sharpham Road both in hovering/hunting mode approx 08:30 am

Re: Cheddar Res

very healthy number of swifts this am, over 3 dozen over the west bank, early morning heat combined with the sheep droppings bringing a source of a large flying breakfast, and silent too ,no screaming birds

Re: Cheddar Res

two birds this am, of similar appearance and characteristics of Wagtails, bobbing rear up and down while grounded shortish flights and same sort of call , colouring was the only query, pale brown wings with shortish black tails, breast of a very pale creamy pinkish brown, with a very white rump,....3 common sand also, ... all these were on the west side of the res,

Re: Cheddar Res


Wheatear seems the likely candidate from your description. Quite a few on the move right now.

Re: Cheddar Res

Around 80 Canada geese these last two days,13 mute swan, and a build up of Coot well into the 200 number, and a very healthy amount of wagtail and have been all summer

Re: Cheddar Res

two Jays this morning 07:00 near the clay pits car parking area

Re: Cheddar Res

Juv Black Tern this afternoon from Axbridge End.

Re: Cheddar Res

nothing seemingly out of the ordinary,but among a group of some 15 - 20 wagtails, ranging from "the norm" through pale grey in plumage, there was one with a very fair dusty in colour breast, large black bib and what appeared to be a sort of lemon coloured head where normally would be white in good light around 08:00 at the s/w area of the res

Re: Cheddar Res

A very confiding female Wheatear was present yesterday (25th September) catching insects in and around the skate-park and posing for my camera.

Pics on my blog! (Not for lovers of Craneflies!!)

Re: Cheddar Res

cracking 4th and 5th shots,,,

Re: Cheddar Res

a large gathering of some 40 GCGrebes this am all together , and numerous singles scattered around the res' and around half dozen meadow pipits

Re: Cheddar Res

went down the lane toward the River Axe this morning, and one rather dowdy male Bullfinch visual chest was a very dull russet/brown. and 3 others audible, and 4 Jays, and very noisy at that, have seen a few singles around the Cheddar Village this week, is there an upsurge in population of this bird, usually never see one

Re: Cheddar Res

2 Jays near the far s/w area of the pond and two grey wagtails ,1 near the Axbridge gate and one near the boathouse

Re: Cheddar Res

Jays are very busy collecting acorns at the moment so much easier to see.

Re: Cheddar Res

arrival of around 8 Tufted duck ,5 Pochard among the gathering of Coots and a possible female goldeneye ,though slightly out of reach for positive id, the colour the bird was carrying a rich brown head or mauve ,the strong sun was making things slightly unsure , it seemed to be paired with another duck of just brown and white indiscriminate markings but the beak was quite long on this bird