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Re: Meare Heath pumping.

One Little Ringed Plover; 5 Ruff and 1 Green S'piper were new additions today but Blk Wits were down to 11 and Redshank down to two! Three Garganey males now and then but only one at times.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

Further to Alan's reference to Keith Vinnicombe's ID Guide - Great book with secondhand copies available for less than a fiver. Recommended!

Click on website link at the bottom or 'cut and paste' this into your browser:


Re: Meare Heath pumping.

A visit this evening 6.15 to 7.15 saw all waders present as Alan's last post with all 3 Garganey together plus fly over Osprey going north at 6.45 and Red Kite to the south being mobbed and flying west at 7.10.
Also large grass snake in river swimming across then hunting down the edge.
Evening ended with Little Owl on telegraph pole in Westhay village.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

This morning on the scrape..........
3 GW Egrets
Little Ringed Plover
8 Ruff
1 Green Sandpiper
4 Redshank
3 Garganey
3 Marsh Harriers
The usual array of ducks

Plus Reed Warbler calling by the car park

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

Plus Dunlin on the way back

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

This morning 4 male Gargany 3 marsh harriers 1 ruff 4 Black T godwitts 2 redshank

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

There was a Mute Swan with a Yellow Darvic colour ring with the black letters BVO it was on the scrape on thursday last 9th April just received this information on it:-
published just in caase any one sees it again

"YBVO (BTO ZY6239) was ringed as a 6 (= ringed before 2012) male at the
Abbotsbury roundup on 22/07/2013."

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

Mid morning 50 Black T Godwits & 2 Garganey showing well on the scrape, plus several people reported 3 Cranes over.


Re: Meare Heath pumping.

In the afternoon of the 12th there were 3 Garganey, 2 Redshanks and a Ringed Plover on the scrape per Philip Delve

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

A Common Sandpiper was the only new arrival on the scrape this morning. 4 Redshank were very active and one was performing display flight. A Grasshopper Warbler was reported by visitors already there when I arrived at around 8.20 but I didn't hear it.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

I am now the proud owner of the 'Keith Vinnicombe' ID Guide, bargain at £4.00 and delivered to the door! Thanks for the info just need some tricky birds to test it out on.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

Only real change on the scrape today were 2 additional Common Sands making 3 total. Blk Wits, I counted 41 this morning. 3 Redshank present with 3 Drake Garganey max. 2 Shelduck came and went as they did yesterday as apparently did a single Egyptian Goose again but I've failed to see it two days in a row!

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

Also a White Wagtail, and an adult Peregrine (male on size) flushed all the birds after you had left Alan.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

Bird of the day from the double seat A Cuckoo flew east west across the back of the scrape at 1140 stopped on the edge of the wood just long enough for a distant photo, it flew 15mins later from within the wood across the South Drain bridge toward the 70 Acres tree line. On the scrape just 70 Blk Wits;2 Redshanks; the three Garganey and a passing G.W. Egret occasionally and a Bittern. No S'Pipers!

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

This morning on the scrape3 Greenshank; and 1 Ruff in near summer plumage! 120 Blk Wits; 3 Redshank; 2 ringed plover sp. the plovers were cleared off by a Sparrow Hawk before a positive I.D. could be made! with unusually 1 Wheatear, plus 3 Garganey and at mid day a single Little Ringed Plover appeared. 2 Cuckoos were calling at 0530 this morning and one flew to Meare Heath Wood mid morning.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

Early pm visit . Just 3 Greenshank; 102 Blk Wits; 5 Redshank ; 1 Common S'Piper and 2 Garganey both males, plus a few Gadwall, Mallard and Teal.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

3 Little Ringed Plover; 4 Greenshank; 2 Redshank;150 Blk Tld G'Wits and just one male Garganey between 1030 ad 1530. A passing couple of Bitters and G.W. Egrets, a few Swallows, plus 2 Hobbies in the air together feeding on I know not what! ( first of the year for me )!

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

4 Greenshank; 4+ Redshank; 150 Blk. Tld. G'Wits and one Garganey, in fact no change from yesterday. Single Common Tern on Noah's this morning still present at 1430. One Hobby at 1520 plus a passing Bittern and a distant Sparrowhawk. Plenty of Buzzards and the odd passing Marsh Harrier in what has been a fairly strong Eaasterly wind all day.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

A Wood Sandpiper was on the nearer mud island on Meare Heath at 8.30 this morning along with the same mix of species as listed by Alan yesterday. The Common tern was resting in the middle of Noahs Lake.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

The Wood Sandpiper was still present when I left at 1600 hrs. 3 Little Ringed Plovers came in mid morning but left westward around mid day. 4 greenshank; 120 Blk Wits and 2 Redshank and the one Garganey as yesterday. Small no of Swifts (6) over scrape midday and another larger group early afternoon. A single Peregine appeared twice high overhead. Again there were Bittern, Harriers and Buzzards thermalling. And Hobbies were seen occasionally (max 2 together)! Plus my first singles of Dragonfly and Damselfly.
5 Common Terns and a single Whimbrel were reported from Noah's early afternoon!

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

P.m.visit 1230 1600: 1 Woodsand still here; 3 Common Sands;2 Redshank; 4 Greenshank and one Dulin that appeared around 1530; Black Wits 120; A visit to Noah's Lake showed 3 Hobbies together and a single Tern probably a Common!

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

Afternoon visit on Saturday, thanks to Tom R's tweet produced the much viewed Hudsonii Godwit; the Woodsand ;7 Dunlin a couple of Greenshank , Redshank and more birders than I've seen since the first Little Bittern gathering several years ago!

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

This late afternoon, on the scrape: at least 155 Blk-t Godwits, 6 Knot, 15 Dunlin, 2 Redshank, 1 Greenshank, 1 Wood Sandpiper and 2 Whimbrel.

2 Common Terns on Noah's Lake, keeping in close company (pair?), and also a Kingfisher.

2 Garden Warblers, in song and chasing each other, just 50 mtrs along track from Ashcott Cnr car park.

Yesterday (25th), a Wood Warbler at Ashcott Corner was new for me on this local patch.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

171 Blk Wits today; 3 Redshank; 1 Greenshank.; 21 Whimbrel came and stayed for 90mins the headed off towards Ham Wall followed by a group of 5 30 mins later leaving just one still on the scrape when I departed around 3 o'clock.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

Watched a Bittern at length on the cut reed edge opposite the first bench yesterday and a mate watched one booming at length here last week - good bet late afternoon or evening if you are after mega Bittern views...

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

two bitterns showed well from that area late this afternoon/evening, one in particular sat there for well over an hour, openly booming.

Also, red kite drifting west along the back of noah's lake this evening (common terns there also, two - not arctic as someone said), wood sand was flying calling over the track and lagoon but we didnt get it on the deck.

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

2 Common Sands; 1 Dunlin; 160 Blk Wits were the only waders this afternoon. a single Garganey plus 2 Shelduck that came and went in 30 mins when a Peregine (male) tried its luck with the Godwits unsuccessfully but it drove them off S.Westward, the Godwits and the Dunlin returned after 45mins but not the Common Sands!

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

I forgot to add the two Whimbrel on the scrape on Tues. afternoon ( there were none at Catcott in the late evening! nor were any other waders seen.)

Re: Meare Heath pumping.

This afternoon's tally, not forgetting the Hudsonian, included 145+ Blk-t Godwits, 2 Ruff, 2 Redshank, 2 Whimbrel, a few (5?) Dunlin, 3 Bittern flights, 3 Hobbies, 2+ Marsh Harriers, and 3 Whinchats on 70 Acres (the reeded area behind the seats) viewed from the viewing platform at its western end.