Two Egyptian Geese were seen south east of the Westhay Nature Reserve's car park 24th January at around 16:00. There was a light and a dark form. The dark form was limping badly. They were some way off from the road at the edge of a flock of Mute Swans, all were eating the grass, so identification made by telescope.
Male Merlin seen to fly into small thicket to the south east of the car park hide at Catcott Lows reserve. at around 16:30 (24th Jan). It was stationary for a while and took off towards the west, flying low over the taller reeds/vegetation thereby frightening the nearby ducks into the air and across the water.
Plenty of;
Mute Swan
1 x Great White Egret
Possible Marsh harrier a long way off
5 x Roe deer
Green plover