Possibly a record number of winter duck on Noah's this morning estimated to be around 3,500 birds. Luckily today was the day chosen by the WeBs survey team who cover Shapwick Heath to do their monthly count, so more accurate numbers will emerge in their reports.
99% plus were Wigeon, strangely not a single Shoveller was seen! Around 20 Pintail present but very few Teal just 10 or so . Diving duck comprised around 20 Tufted and just 4 or 5 Pochard. A very few Mallard and just a couple of Gadwall were noted. Also 'missing' were Great Crested Grebes only 4 seen with just one Little Grebe,
The "official" WeBS count (guess for Wigeon) for the whole of Shapwick Heath NNR was as follows.
Wigeon 3400. All on Noah's
Teal 179. Mostly seen over Meare Heath when flushed by something.
Gadwall 95. Down on recent months but probably hiding in the shallower and more sheltered pools.
Mallard 127. Widely scattered as usual.
Shoveler 49. Canada, Decoy Meare Heath.
Tufted 56. Ditto
Pochard 6. Big drop since November
Grey Heron 12 Highest count of the winter.
Woodcock 2
Whooper Swan 1 at Decoy.