Another splendid day at Greylake 23/01/2015 arriving early I spotted ten Moorhens wandering around the farm track, at the hide a very wintery view ,the duck flock were huddled together on the remaining unfrozen patches of water and there they remained for the best part of three hours until the arrival of a well marked female Marsh Harrier ,that put the Cat amongst the Pigeons or should I say Harrier amongst the ducks,no doubt seeing an opportunity a Peregrine entered the flock of panicking ducks, despite making several passes it appeared the Peregrine went away without making a catch. All this spectacular show for free!!.
Photos on Website
I must have been at Greylake at the same time as James, but in the other hide.
Highlight was witnessing the Peregrine dive bombing the Marsh Harrier again, the second time I've seen this in weeks!
Also A small fly by flock of Golden Plover.
Epic battle in the skies this morning between 2 Peregrines and 2 Marsh Harriers. Most of the action occured at the far end of the reserve but it was very clear that the Peregrines were really going for the Marsh Harriers. The larger of the 2 (Female ?) often came in with real speed. The Marsh Harriers did not seem to be too bothered and carried on hunting when left alone. When the Peregrines had the skies to themselves they seemed to be hunting as pair. A great sight on a day in the which the wind was capable of cutting through anything. Did not see a single kill.
A gloomy few hours spent at Greylake this morning 25/01/2015 had its reward ,three Peregrines perched on their favorite Old Oak tree away to the right of the hide they occasionally made attacks on the resident Buzzard, the juvenile bird seemed to be the most aggressive the Green tagged Marsh Harrier put in an appearance but drifted off to the left.Snipe were busy feeding close in front of the hide, Little Grebe seen yesterday ,Water Rail seen from the track,to and from home five Buzzards at different locations.
On the way to Greylake a visit to Catcott Lows and I can confirm the two Barnacle Geese were present at 9.32 this morning. At Greylake good numbers of Duck including a large number of Pintail ,a Peregrine flew in and hit down a Duck? but it appeared that the intended victim hid in a large clump of grass after, 5 seconds the Peregrine gave up and flew off without a catch, Lucky Duck?it was then chased by a Crow and gave up.Two buzzards seen on the return journey home.
Peregrine photos on website.
Raptor day at Greylake 06/02/2015 Perfect light ,stage set for the first visitor the green tagged Marsh Harrier, soon followed by a well marked female Marsh harrier with distinctive white markings on the upper wings,a male bird also sighted but a Buzzard was the show stealer, not sure whether it hoped to catch a Teal but it approach a group of Teal talons extended but had to be content to watch the Teal depart.A Peregrine made a high speed pass, two Peregrines perched in the dead tree A flock of 25 Dunlin made several high speed passes but did not stop.Snipe about seven,good numbers of Ducks.
Photos on Website.
Today highlights at Greylake 18/02/2015 great light for the cameramen. A leucistic Coot,plus 20 other Coots on site, similar numbers of Snipe, one Curlew ,a flock of 30/40 Dunlin, two Peregrines perched on the fence posts one with a full crop, the juvenile bird made a very fast attack with a spectacular stoop before settling on the fence post, two Moorhens ,Heron being attack by two Crows, Duck numbers seem to be down on previous visits one Little Egret and the green wing tagged Marsh harrier (marked LI) .Three Cranes spotted by a visitor flying in the direction of Catcott.
Photos on website.