One still along London Drove at 15:00, in Ivy just beyond orange plastic fence.
I met a birder who said he'd seen two Firecrest along the path between London Drove & Daggs Lane Drove earlier.
Lots of Twitter messages about the Firecrests today, 2 at least showing well where Dave said along London Drove (always a good spot for wintering crests and warblers), though apparently quite mobile. Tried for them late afternoon again, but no sign - earlier in the day a much better option, it seems.
Hardly a wasted visit though - 2 male Bearded Tits showing well along London Drove (and 3+ more Beardies heard). From the raised hide along the cross drove from about 4pm onwards: ringtail Hen Harrier, male Marsh Harrier, Bittern in flight, Great White Egret, and a Water Rail showing very well on the ice.
One Firecrest in London Drove 10.30am yesterday. Sorry for the late post but I thought the birder who first located it was posting. It flew across the Drove from W to E, exactly ( almost to the pace) at the location described by Dave Helliar. It then worked its way N for about 10 metres and then flew back across the Drove and was gone. It was completely alone and did not vocalise. This is speculation but I wonder if it is feeding in the stand of silver birches that runs at right angles to the the Drove on the westside and borders the lake to the north. When it reaches the end of the stand which is the Drove, and crosses it, the bird is confronted by the reed bed on the eastside and then flies back?
At the same location we saw what I thought were 2 pairs of bullfinches feeding at the top of the large trees, turned out to be 2 males, 1 female and a redpoll. They moved through the canopy together and flew off together. Very light coloured and from size I imagine this was a Mealy? First redpoll I have seen down there this year.
Did not see ant other crests in London Drove but there were up to 8 gold crests and 5 chiffchaffs along the track that leads from London Drove to Viridor Hide. Also female sparrow hawk on sentry duty on a pole.
Found single Firecrest in ivy about 30yds from orange netting,it flew from opp side,i had stunning close views of it at about midday,Goldcrest also with it.
Both Firecrests, probably a male and a female from the colour and intensity of their crests, showing very well between 10:45 & 13:00 in the usual ivy clad trees along London Drove, immediately north of the obvious plastic orange netting.
Some photos now on my website, also an update for most of January after a problem with my replacement new hard-drive which needed re-formatting and Widows re-installing etc.