These seem to be in short supply this winter, so as I was out west this morning I thought I'd try one of the most regular spots for them early afternoon - the stretch of the B3190 west of Ralegh's Cross and immediately west of the Methodist church at the junction where the B3224 turns towards Wheddon Cross.
About 300 yards west of the church the beech hedge on the right has been cut back severely, and here there was a large Chaffinch flock (probably 250+), which included at least 4 Bramblings (possibly more), including a very nice male.
Nearby, a huge flock of around 500 chaffinches today feeding in fields along brown lane. The flock included at least 6 bramblings, including a cracking male. The lane lies south of the B3190 west of Raleighs Cross, and as you drive south the birds were on the right next to signs 'no hunt vehicles', after the first farm building and just before the second.
A smaller flock of chaffinches around 100 was in Blagdon Lane, North West of Wimbleball Lake along the roadside and included at least 2 bramblings.
Interesting to hear of these flocks, Julian and Alastair. Chaffinches pass north over Chipstable (ie towards Brown Lane) in considerable numbers each winter morning - yesterday (11th Jan) I counted 892 between 8-9am - and your observations hint at where many might end up.
Chaffinches are usually found in decent flocks in the beeches above Chipstable (no Bramblings this year so far, despite frequent checks) but never enough to account for those flying over my house of a morn.
And I never see them returning south, ready for the next morning's northward migration!
Another huge flock of 400 plus chaffinches this morning 200 metres south of Crowcombe Park Gate on the Quantocks. Viewable from main path looking west feeding in the beech mast. Included several brambling.
13-Jan-15 (afternoon)
At least 2 (poss 3) Bramblings, including a smart-looking adult male, feeding with a large mobile flock of Chaffinches in the leaf-litter along the roadside, immediately east of Alfred’s Tower. Not easy to see as the flock kept moving back-and-forth along the road due to disturbance from passing vehicles – it took us best part of an hour for any decent views.
Still several Bramblings present this morning amongst both of Chaffinch flock on Brendons, both in Brown Lane and near source of R.Tone west of Methodist Chapel.