Male Black Redstart still at Brean, feeding among the caravans 200m south of the Nat Trust car park.
At least 2 (poss 4) Twite on the Axe Estuary saltmarsh, and I flushed a Jack Snipe, but 6 were reported early morning.
The Lapland Bunting was seen & photo'd by James Packer after I had left. Oh bother!!
Yesterday PM I saw two jack snipe, and the four twite some way up the river. Also excellent views of an adult male merlin which perched on a gate, and then a post in the marsh after a low scan of the marsh. I've had about as much luck with the Lapland Bunting as Jeff.
The four Twite still this morning on the fence by Brean Down Farm; the Lapland Bunting, two Water Pipits and five Jack Snipe in the salt marsh; and the male Black Redstart in the main car park