Hi Robin, I searched all of Aller Moor from the confluence with the Tone right down to past the Black Smock pub, only yellow beaked swans I could find were 2 birds, both were smaller than the accompanying Mutes. Where exactly were you when you took these pics.
Hi Paul, the two Whoopers are/were located in the field to the left of Stathe Drove. In Stathe, this drove crosses the Parrrett and Sowy. The Whoopers were sleeping among the Mutes and it was only because I waited while watching the Cranes that I noticed them as they had woken up.
2 Whooper Swans on Aller Moor Saturday morning at ST37816-29178 with herd of Mute Swans. Sunday morning no sign Mute Swans but there were 2 Bewick Swans at ST38173-27978 with 25 Mute Swans feeding in the flooded area on top of river bank. (Viewed from railway bridge)