I'm sure SOS members would like to know this, via Twitter: 4 Twite found this afternoon by James Packer along the concrete seawall by Brean Down Farm on the Axe Estuary.
The 4 Twite still present this morning, on the Axe Estuary saltmarsh opposite the dung-heap at Brean Down Farm and sometimes coming up from feeding to perch on the adjacent wire fence. But no sign of the recent Lapland and Snow Buntings, although I didn't hang-about for too long in the freezing wind.
Snow Bunting still feeding in the Axe estuary also 4 twite present and feeding along the farm track. see link for photos of snow bunting. https://www.flickr.com/photos/cromwells_boy/15805071388/in/photostream/
Hi Robin - James Packer's Twitter feed - @somersetbirder
Got there about 2pm and soon picked up at least 3 Twite in with the Linnet flock (which is larger than it was last weekend, though still only c15 birds)around the saltmarsh behind the farm. Then the Lapland Bunting flew over calling and gave some decent flight views, and 4 Twite flew in from the south on their own, either at the same time or very shortly after the 3 with the Linnets were being scoped in the trees by the farm cottage. The 3 also appeared to all be juveniles, while 3 of the original 4 are adults, so I think there are now 7 birds present.
James and I managed to track the Lap Bunt down in the saltmarsh and get two sets of views on the ground, but neither for long - though we were deliberately not close to it (20-30 yards away), it flew both times in the company of a few Skylarks before other birders there could reach us. The last time it flew north with them low over the back end of the Down, but may well return.
The Snow Bunting is much more confiding and favours the shingle ridge between the saltmarsh and the estuary proper, opposite the farm.
Two Jack Snipe and a Short-eared Owl also seen by others before I got there, so it's quite a little hotspot at the moment. Wellies/boots and a certain amount of common sense required, as ever, for wandering around in the saltmarsh.
The Lapland Bunting was around the gate on the sea wall at the end of the first field past the farm at 12:30 today. Perching for about a minute on the gate before dropping down to the large puddle on the field side of the sea wall by the gate. There were at least two Water Pipits in this area. The Snow Bunting was still on the shingle ridge. The Twite were seen only once during the morning.
Had good close views of the Snow Bunting on the shingle late am,didnt see Lap bunting or twite though,did have good views of male Black red in the cove,on rocks to left of steps,and a weasel on rocks to right of steps,also a Sprawk & 1 poss 2 Peregrine over.
Failed to find Twite today,birder I met on track said he'd seen them on fence,but they'd flown onto saltmarsh,snow bunting showed well on shingle,1 Jack snipe plus 3 snipe,1 Peregrine,2 other birders had seen the Lap bunting flying about with Skylarks calling-possibly the twite are ranging more widely,as they wer'nt seen after 10am.
The four twite were there briefly this afternoon, but no sign of either bunting. Walking along the grass bank past the wooden gate and stile, I nearly stood upon a Short-eared Owl, which must have been roosting for the day in the longer grass just below the bank. It flew back towards the middle of the salt marsh, and dropped into more grass, out of sight. Although I waited until 3.30 in the hope it would hunt, it didn't reappear. Fortuitously it was also high tide on the estuary, so I had excellent views of dunlin and lapwing flocks in flight, as well as large numbers of curlew and shelduck.
This morning: Snow Bunting still present on the end of the shingle, Lap Bunt on the salt marsh often with Skylarks, seen in flight c6 times and calling quite a lot, 4 Twite at far end of marsh briefly before disappearing further up river. 2 Short-eared Owls, 1 Jack Snipe, c10 Snipe, Kingfisher, and male Black redstart in the cove.
0830-1030 this am, 4 twite on fence around farm and snow bunting gave good views, though snow bunting prooved difficult to initially locate around end of shingle ridge. Also, 2 jack snipe flying.
Snow bunting (shingle ridge), lapland bunting, water pipit and jack snipe (all on saltmarsh) present this afternoon. Also a decent amount of peregrine activity.
4 Twite present again this morning by the dung heap, coming to the puddles on the track to drink. The Snow bunting was also again on the shingle on the salt marsh.
To add to that, the lapland bunting and 2 jack snipe were still present, 3 water pipits were on the saltmarsh and showed well right beneath the sea wall (about 50-100m before the gate at the end of the first field past the farm) and the black redstart was still in the cove.
Also one great white egret at Catcott Lows early pm and four at Hamwall late pm.
4 Twite present at very start of saltmarsh this morning; also 2 Water Pipits and Rock Pipit in same area. No sign of either of the buntings, but lots of ducks and waders on the estuary and 3 Peregrines overhead!
Late afternoon visit from 15:00-16:30 produced the 4 twite on the electricity wires at the entrance to the saltmarsh and, just before last light, stumbled across the lapland bunting on the marsh near the gate to the first field after the farm buildings, where it gave excellent views down to about 5 metres. Also several jack snipe flushed and a single reed bunting on the marsh.
I spent the morning on the other side of the estuary and viewed the area from the sailing club and STW. Birds of note included a Water Pipit on the river's edge, a Stonechat and 2 Ravens on the beach. 3 Peregrine were also very active in the area. Initially 2 adults flew in from the east and briefly caused havoc among the waders. Later 2 adults and an immature were all perched on the grassy area behind the saltmarsh. The three bird took off together and headed east, and the immature was seen hunting the enormous flocks of woodpigeon near the entrance to the STW.
My first not brill views of the 4 Twite late am on the farm track (should have got up earlier to see them on wire!) but great scope views of the Lap bunting on the saltmarsh,the male Black red showed v well in the cove.
Not sure if anyone has looked, Duncan. A lot of people will have seen them over the first few days of the year, and the weather today was certainly not going to encourage anybody out there. Feel free to prove me wrong, people!
It's a guess, but I would say there's a more than even chance that the Twite and the Lapland Bunting are still around, though the Snow Bunting hasn't been reported since Christmas Eve.
Sorry saw this post late last night and meant to reply then. The twite were showing well on the 6th, on the first bit of salt marsh but better views were had when they flew into the bushes in front of the farmhouse. Did not see the Lapland on this occasion but that is more difficult and probably needed longer than we had available, so it might well be still there.
At least 3 twite still present this morning although pretty flighty. Water pipit on the salt marsh but no sign of bunting.
Black redstart showing very well in Brean Cove.