I think very slightly outside the usual area for sightings on here but noteworthy nonetheless. Wryneck towards the east end of Dolebury Warren from 1645 to 1730 at least. On the main path entering the reserve from the east, after crossing an open area there is a fenced area of Hawthorn scrub, cross the stile to enter this and you will see a very large Ash tree ahead, just before here is a fork in the path and the bird was favouring this area feeding in tall grass and bracken but flushing on approach into Hawthorns for good views. Appeared to be apart of a fall of migrants apparently arriving mid-afternoon with heavy cloud and also including 1 male Redstart, 1 Whinchat, 9 Spotted Flycatcher, 6 Tree Pipit, 1 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 2 Willow Warbler, 6+ Chiffchaff, 400 House Martin and 100 Swallow.
I will look for the Wryneck tomorrow morning fairly early.
No sign of it this morning and slightly fewer migrants overall than yesterday. Still present though were 3 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Whinchat, 1 Blackcap, 1 Whitethroat and a few Chiffchaff. Two Tree Pipits over high to the south and a Hobby early on. Nearby an impressive gathering of hirundines at Rowberrow with several hundred House Martin and lesser numbers of Swallow.
We took a chance today and went to see if wryneck was still around. Glad we did as it was just where you described at the stile with whinchat, redstarts and spotted flycatchers. We saw it at 13.15. and watched it for about 10 mins till it disappeared into the grass. Thanks for the info.
How do you access the East end of the reserve? I'm only familiar with the Doleberrow entrance and it sounds like a long walk to the other end. I'm a bit limited as regards walking.
There's no easy way really as whichever direction you approach from you have to walk from the bottom of the hill to the top. The shortest however is via a track south from the A368 Bath Road at Upper Langford, I'm not too sure whether there is any parking there though, it's been years since I approached from there.
I have twice tried and failed to see this bird but I think I am looking in the wrong place. Do I go up the lane opposite the car workshop in Upper Langford
We went up from the chip shop by Churchill lights but the track by the garage looks shorter, quicker but steeper. We found the bird at precisely ST46204 58723. If you go up from the garage until you find the path marked on the os map as limestone link go right on it till you reach the grid reference and you should see the stile. Hope this helps. Good luck.
Still showing today. After a failed attempt yesterday afternoon I went back this morning and got great views at the location Nigel first described above. 8:55am (feeding) and seen again at 9:55am (accidentally flushed and it then sat in clear view in a hawthorn bush for some time). First time I've seen a wryneck so thank you very much for the posts here!
(also nice to see 1 x whinchat, 2 x spotted flycatcher, 2 x wheatear, 1 x redstart (yesterday), tree pipits (I think!). Swallows and House Martins still passing overhead. Also great spotted and green woodpeckers so 3 woodpecker species today! (Didn't look for lesser spotted(!) which I still haven't seen since school days...which is a while ago! Thanks again!