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Anita Mui Forum梅豔芳自由講壇
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Fans made a movie about Anita

The fan club "MuiNation" will be making an announcement about a movie that the fans have made about Anita.

Sounds like the movie will be based on true accounts of some interactions between Anita and her fans.

Years ago, some of Anita's personal items were auctioned off. After the auctions, some remaining items, including letters that Anita had received from her fans, were put into a dumpster.

Apparently, some fans went into the dumpster to retrieve those precious letters that Anita had been keeping all these years.

A very thoughtful fan took the time to return these letters to the original writers. During this process, there have been some very touching stories being revealed, marking certain interactions between Anita and her fans.

If there is further news about when this movie will be available for viewing, I will come back and post it here.

For those who know more about this movie, please share with us here.
:relaxed: :grinning:


Re: Fans made a movie about Anita

Mui Nation always done jobs from imposible to posible for Our beloved Anita, yeah:grinning:

Re: Fans made a movie about Anita

Found reporting of this movie from MingPao newspaper (dated Oct 11th).
To be translated later.

郭羨妮搲簽約想跟胡杏兒搵食 梅艷芳紀念電影 同屆港姐鬥戲
[2018.10.11] 發表

郭羨妮(左)與胡杏兒(右)很久沒見面,轉眼兩人已由港姐變成靚媽。(攝影:孫華中) 江欣燕於梅艷芳的紀念電影聲演梅姐。(攝影:孫華中) 曾志偉錄影短片祝賀阿梅生日快樂。(攝影:孫華中) 梅艷芳紀念電影《朝花夕拾?芳華絕代—?拾芳》,是以歌迷真人真事改編。(資料圖片)




杏兒與郭羨妮由於各有各忙,很久沒有合作及見面。郭羨妮說:「我忙湊女,她就忙生仔,眨眼我們已變成人妻和人母。」郭羨妮未有機會見杏兒的囝囝,找天會帶囡囡跟杏兒囝囝見面。談到今次演出梅姐紀念電影,杏兒說梅姐是大眾偶像,她的大家姐是梅姐粉絲,她聽梅姐的歌曲長大。郭羨妮片中飾演梅姐粉絲兼朋友,她的部分最感動:「我跟梅姐這位粉絲朋友單對單見過面,談話中知道梅姐性格與處事態度,她很珍惜歌迷,歌迷送給她的物品會珍而重之,另闢房間擺放,就算搬家也會拿走,真誠令人感動, 我深深明白梅姐為何是大眾偶像。」




曾志偉擔任紀念電影的顧問,昨日他因工作未有到場,特別錄影短片,他表示:「阿梅的歌迷很有心才拍成這部電影,很感動。適逢今日(10月10日)是阿梅生日,在此講聲生日快樂,Happy Birthday!」在場導演與演員一起切蛋糕,祝梅姐生日快樂。



Re: Fans made a movie about Anita

"The Clifton Ko Chi Sum and Leung Pak Ho co-directed film DEAREST ANITA (SUP FONG) earlier won the Best Director award at the 14th Chinese American Film Festival. Yesterday they along with actress Myolie Wu Hung Yi attended the celebration. Director Ko has won Best Film and Best Editing awards previously, but this was his first director award. DEAREST ANITA was based on the true story of five Anita Mui Yim Fong fans. Mui Yim Fong appeared in the film without performing, completely relying on the director and the editor's skills."

Please go to the link above for more info about this movie which will be released in December.

Re: Fans made a movie about Anita


《朝花夕拾‧芳華絕代》- 拾芳
胡杏兒 郭羨妮
林德信(son of George Lam played a role in this movie)
江欣燕 方惠盈 黃榮杰

15th anniversary of Anita’s passing 真人真事改編
電影《朝花夕拾‧芳華絕代》- 拾芳 Inspired by true stories.

故事由2013年梅艷芳未有送到拍賣的遺物,被一車車丟到垃圾收集站,歌迷在執拾梅艷芳的遺物作為整個故事的切入點,珍貴遺物被淋上紅色漆油,有的甚至「被輾轉」地到了夜冷店,但每一件可能被旁人視為微不足道的垃圾,在梅迷眼中均是寶藏,他們不怕骯髒邋遢、不怕遭警察查問,仍堅持盡力把被棄置的遺物拿走,不想這些瑰寶無聲無息地被送到堆填區。 在別人眼中沒什麼價值、由個人所寫的的賀卡、便條、信件丶心意禮物等等,梅艷芳也一直視為珍寶,一直好好地保存著,有的物件甚至連歌迷本人也忘記曾經送予偶像......一眾歌迷不忍這些充滿回憶和意義的物件就此被丟棄,除了盡了最大努力把部分從垃圾收集站取回之後,盡可能物歸原主。 故事就由這些遺物而展開,透過這些小物件而牽引劇情,幾位梅迷都有著自己的成長故事,而他們在人生中微妙的改變,都與梅艷芳有著莫大的關係:
- 因為梅艷芳而從孤寂怕事變得開朗積極;
- 因為梅艷芳而令家庭脫困找到人生理想;
- 因為梅艷芳而重拾自信;
- 因為梅艷芳而重新相信人性真善美;
- 因為梅艷芳而對友情有更深層的體會...... 人別了 ; 心仍暖 ; 情還在。

“Dearest Anita,…”
2013, after the auction of items from Anita’s estate, seemingly insignificant items were transported to a garbage dump. A number of fans tried to salvage what they could in the dead of night. Undeterred by the conditions or the imminent threat of arrest, they worked meticulously to save each of these treasures. Handwritten cards, letters and small hand-crafted gifts from fans, some even forgotten by the people who originally made them, every single one of these seemingly insignificant items kept and lovingly treasured by Anita over the years. Not wanting Anita’s treasures to be condemned to landfills, these fans saved and were determined to return each of these to their original gifter. Through their journey back to their original gifter, we traced the stories of several fans whose lives were touched and forever changed by their chance encounters with their idol. Stories of:
• Growing confidence
• Inspiration
• Courage
• Rekindled faith in people
• And Friendship .........
Life may end but love and memories live on.

(WITH Thanks to the person did the translation within YouTube)

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