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Anita Mui Forum梅豔芳自由講壇
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14th Anniversary since Anita's demise

梅艷芳逝世14年 歌迷備花牌香燭拜祭
[2017-12-30 02:52]

今天是已故百變天后梅艷芳逝世14年,一班忠實梅迷由昨晚起以不同方式懷緬這位巨星。有歌迷昨日一早到九龍塘省善真堂梅姐的靈位拜祭,靈位前除了有6個歌迷送的花牌外,更有4束寫著「梅豔芳」的香燭,另外還奉上梅姐生前最愛的美食, 包括蜂蜜蛋糕、蛋撻、 壽司、三文治及果汁汽水等,為偶像送上一點心意。

Today is the 14th year anniversary since Anita's passing. A group of fans all had different activities in memory of this big star. Some had flowers, some brought Anita's favourite food items such as honey-cake, egg-tarts, sushi, sandwiches, juice, pop etc.

There are writing on flower-boards, showing their sentiments towards Mui Jei. For example one says: "It has been 14 years, and we still miss you, don't want to forget."

Some fans went to Lantau Island to pay respect to Anita, and later presented flowers at her bronze statue in Tsim Sha Tsui Avenue of Stars.

Re: 14th Anniversary since Anita's demise

15th anniversaries is coming!

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