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Anita Mui Forum梅豔芳自由講壇
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George Lam in Tears Remembering Mui at his Concert


[2016-01-29] taken from SingTao Newspaper Daily

文:林子棠 圖:張家宜

演唱會準時開騷,舞台上置大型的歐陸式花園別墅道具,阿Lam於別墅中門步出,以雙手向觀眾送飛吻,並走近台下的母親抱着她獻唱《Que Sera Sera》,事後笑言不知媽媽銀包裏到底放了甚麼貴重物品,不論任何時候都愛拿着,事後又播出原唱Doris Day的照片,指媽媽跟她很相像。阿Lam打破慣例,唱完第一首歌後口若懸河,感謝大家於大雨中來陪他度過這40周年,期間又感謝其弟弟林子輝和樂隊成員,又播出醫生爸爸林達志的照片,說很多路人都說由他接生。當他唱到《最愛是誰》時,因想起亡友梅艷芳哽咽抹淚;唱到《吖烏婆》時更跟之前《Sunday靚聲王》中的觀眾婆婆對唱和跳舞。

---- will only translate the part related to ANITA ---------

George Lam just held his "George World 40th Anniversary Concert".
When he sang "Who is the Most Beloved", he wiped off tears with thoughts of Anita......

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