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All Mui Fans are welcome to post, but no swearing, attacking, name-calling and please respect other people's opinions. Forum manager reserves the right to delete any messages that violate above stated principles. 所有梅迷歡迎在此留言, 交換意見, 互通消息. 請自律! 壇主保留刪除任何含有攻擊性留言的權利!

Anita Mui Forum梅豔芳自由講壇
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New Audio/Video Products

Happy to see new (or re-issue) of audio/video recordings being released with Anita's performances.
Well, they are new to me anyway.

I recently bought these 2 items:

(a) Anita Mui Taiwan Concert 1997 (DVD) (Taiwan Version)

(b) Chong Qian Ming Yue Gaung (CD + DVD + Folded Poster) (Reissue Version)

I think they were released in 2014.
Wish there were more promotions done.
Would have never known about them if I didn't happen to stumble over them on YouTube.

Got to check out the web more often for new products.
( I should periodically check things out at

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