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News about Anita's Family

2015年4月8日 星期三 (April 8th, 2015 Wed)
Anita's Mother did not pay rent for 6 months and was asked to leave apartment unit. The rental fee is $43,000 per month and she owes six months' worth of rent.
2015年4月1日 星期三 (April 1st, 2015 Wed)
梅艷芳二哥德明設靈 梅媽哀別
Anita's second brother passed away from throat cancer last month at the age of 62 (this is NOT the brother who often appears with the mother)
2015年3月30日 星期一 (March 30th, 2015 Monday)
Anita's mother, now 92 years old, claims that the doctor said she will live for another 20 years. She applied to the High Court requesting for 15 years' worth of living allowances to be paid in one lump-sum amount of $50,000,000 HKD. She also asked for $170,000 HKD for the funeral and burial services of her younger son.
The Estate Management personnel objected to paying her living allowances in one lump-sum amount. They revealed that the cash and property value of Anita's estate is now worth $80,000,000 HKD and giving out the living expenses all at once might not be fair to the other beneficiaries, such as the New Horizon Buddhist Association Ltd.
【明報專訊】現年92歲、已故樂壇巨星梅艷芳的母親覃美金,以醫生稱她仍可多活20年為由,昨向高院 申請從遺產中一次過索取15年的生活費共逾5000萬,以及早前因癌病去世的次子梅德明殮葬費共17萬元。遺產管理人反對一次過索取生活費,並透露現時梅艷芳遺產中現金和物業共值8000萬元,一次過索取生活費或對其他受益人如妙境佛學會不公平。

Re: News about Anita's Family

梅媽呻3萬生活費難捱 官:幾百萬人苦過你



官:過兩月解除破產 「搞咁多問題做咩」

陳官提醒梅媽,她的破產令將於今年4月25日屆滿,「如果ð µ±家繼續好似過去兩年咁,乖乖哋無事無幹……到5月無咗破產令,仲搞咁多問題做咩?」陳官着梅媽多等待兩個月便可每個月獲得10多萬元生活費,破產受託人屆時將會自動「失蹤」,梅媽將不再受制於受託人,「兩個月,咁多年都捱咗啦!」

指梅媽精神差 叮囑添衣



Mui's mother complained about living on $30,000 HKD monthly allowance as being tough.
Judge responded: Millions of people have tougher lives than you.

more translation later...

Re: News about Anita's Family

[2016.08.27] 發表








Re: News about Anita's Family

Quick translation of above news reporting.

This recent news article from August 27th, 2016 has similar contents to something that was reported before.

Mui's mother at current age of 93, claims that she is very healthy and is expected to live another 10-15 years. She has applied to the court for getting a one time payment of $71 million dollars (HKD) from Anita's estate, instead of receiving monthly allowances of $200,000 (HKD) per month.

The judge said there is $75 million remaining in Anita's estate trust fund. He needs to give a verdict, whether or not to approve the one-time payment requested, or to continue with the monthly payment format, which has been the arrangement all along.

( NOTE: the monthly allowance format is the payment method stated in Anita's will).

Re: News about Anita's Family

「梅媽」再遭申請破產 5月開審

[2017-03-14 01:12]

人稱「梅媽」的已故樂壇天后梅艷芳的9旬母親覃美金,多年來為梅姐留給她的生活費不斷興訟,早年更因輸官司兼訟費後,拖欠律師費導致破產。她的破產期於去年終獲解除,但今再遭兩名會計師Wong Teck Meng及Chan Pui Sze入稟高院申請破產,據司法機構網頁顯示,案件將於5月10日開庭聆訊。


From SingTao Newspaper March 14th, 2017.

Mui's mother again facing application to have her declared bankrupt.
Court case scheduled for May.

Mui's mother previous bankruptcy order just ended last year when she owed money to her lawyers.
Now two accountants have applied to the High Court for her bankruptcy declaration.
The case will be going to the court on May 10th.

(NOTE: in case anyone is wondering why this is happening.
My GUESS is that Mui's mother refuses to pay these 2 accountants.
When this happens, the only way they could get paid is to have the Court declare her bankrupt. The Court could then order to take certain amount of money from Mui's mother monthly allowance to pay these two people first, before the remaining money is released to her. They may do this on a monthly basis until the debt is cleared.)

Re: News about Anita's Family

The High Court has Rejected the Request by Anita's mother for one-time take-over of $71 million dollar Living Allowance

梅媽要求領取7100萬生活費 高院駁回申請

[2017-04-26 04:04] from SingTao Daily



法庭記者:方嘉欣 FURTHER TRANSLATION to follow
Mui's Mother Cried and Claimed She previously suffered for 4 years over Bankruptcy order
"Picked up veggies from streets to cook with bean curd"


[2017-05-22 00:22] from SingTao Daily


呈請人Wong Teck Meng及Chan Pui Sze的代表律師再次澄清,沒有促請銀行凍結該戶口,惟不能控制銀行如何處理被申請破產者的戶口。梅媽指「我無話唔畀,但凍結咗我(戶口)點畀,租金交唔到,到時又搵執達吏破我產」,又指自己打了多年爭產官司,「今日我仲有呢副骨頭,我唔憤」。法官留意到文件顯示一個取消法定要求償還書的命令,需要翻看早前法官的判決及判案書,故把案件押後,同時讓梅媽向法庭申請解凍戶口部分資產。

法庭記者:方嘉欣 FURTHER TRANSLATION to follow

Re: News about Anita's Family

Follow-up translation to above reporting.

Anita's mother is rejecting an application by 2 people to declare her bankrupt. She said she suffered for 4 years the last time she was given the order of bankruptcy. She said she would like to pay these 2 people but her account is frozen.

The lawyer representing these 2 individuals said they have nothing to do with how the bank handles her account.

At the same time the Judge noticed there is a special document in her file regarding payment order. He would like to study the previous judge's verdict first, so he is deferring this case for 2 weeks.

He has also asked Mui's mother to apply for thawing her bank account.

Re: News about Anita's Family

梅媽澄清生活費沒20萬 每月9萬不夠用「要交租又要食」

[2017-06-18 23:27]



Mui's mother clarified her living allowance is not $200,000 per month.
The monthly allowance of $90,000 (Hong Kong Dollars) is not enough [needs to pay for rent and food]

The judge has dismissed the case.
Mui's mother has now paid the 2 people who she was owing money to.
Thus their request for declaring her bankrupt has been dismissed.

Mui's mother complained that HSBC insisted on paying her allowance on a monthly basis. (Remaining amounts need to be-reinvested) She said she needs to pay for the domestic helpers, rent, and food, thus $90,000 per month is not sufficient.

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