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Anita Mui Forum梅豔芳自由講壇
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梅艷芳‧10‧思念‧音樂‧會 Memorial Concert on TV in Canada

Just found out today (Dec 30th 2013) that this concert will be shown on TV as a ONE TIME show only (no repeats allowed) today :

Western Canada 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Eastern Canada 5:00pm - 7:30pm

Below taken from Fairchild TV website:

「香港女兒」巨星梅艷芳2003年殞落後至今十年,曾志偉與張學友兩位梅姐好友特別籌辦《梅艷芳10思念音樂會》,於梅姐忌辰(香港時間 12月30日)舉行一場懷念演唱會,悼念梅艷芳在樂壇與影壇的鉅大貢獻,回顧梅姐的星光儷影。新時代2高清台於12月30日西岸時間下午二時/ 東岸時間下午五時播出《梅艷芳10思念音樂會》,由於只演一場,而當晚音樂會給媒體直播或轉播只限「一次性」,即之後不會給媒體重播,亦不會有任何販賣之產品出現,珍貴非常。

It has been 10 years since renowned Hong Kong singer and actress Anita Mui passed away in 2003. Anita’s good friends Eric Tsang and Jacky Cheung have partnered in organizing a concert for this special 10-year anniversary (to be held on December 30th, Hong Kong time) in celebration of the contributions Anita has made to the Hong Kong music industry and in remembrance of Anita’s glorious days as a all rounded artiste.

This concert will be broadcast on Fairchild TV HD 2 on December 30 at 2:00PM PST/ 5:00PM EST. As it has a one-time broadcast restriction, there will be no re-run of the program or any program related audio/video content for sale or distribution. Be sure to tune in for this unique opportunity!

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