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Anita Mui Forum梅豔芳自由講壇
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Eddie Lau Remembers Anita's Sentiments

安仔Sammi刻意前後腳怕搶風頭 劉培基淚眼憶阿梅有情有義
Andy H-ui and Sammi Cheung Came Separately to Avoid Becoming Centre of Attention.
Eddie Lau with Tears in his Eyes, Remembers Anita's Great Sentiments.
[2013-07-17] (Partial Translation for now)


文:鍾舜英 圖:朱偉彥

劉培基昨日在沙田香港文物博物館舉行「他 Fashion傳奇.Eddie Lau 她 Image 百變.劉培基」服裝展,不單獲得政務司司長林鄭月娥主持開幕式,更邀得多來年的圈中好友出席,當中包括白雪仙、陳寶珠、鄭秀文、許志安、陳自強、劉松仁、周迅、俞琤、黃耀明、蘇永康、汪明荃、林燕妮、黃錦燊、趙雅芝、許鞍華、杜琪、張婉婷和羅啟銳等等。



When Eddie was asked which garment is his most memorable and most favourite piece of work. He said the best creation of his lifetime is the wedding gown he designed for Anita.



Eddie praised Anita for her great sentiments and affection towards others.
"One could say you don't like her', but nobody could question her integrity".


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