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Anita Mui Forum梅豔芳自由講壇
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I feel that Eddie Lau's Autobiography is worth reading.

I must first declare that I do not know Eddie Lau (Anita's main fashion designer) at all. As with probably all of you, I only know him as a famous fashion designer and one of Anita's best friend.

His autobiography has been published, section by section, in MingPao Weekly magazine as a series for many weeks/months now. Only certain parts are related to Anita. Some are only related to Eddie's career in general, and some parts are related to other stars such as Roman and Leslie.

I personally find it quite interesting, just seeing how someone in that era struggled to survive, to study, built upon one's career, and dealt with various challenges in life. Eddie has a lot of pride with his own work, (and not exactly humble about it), but that is just him. I still find him to be an honest good story-teller and I feel that I can trust the things he wrote about Anita and other public figures. One must realize that things are all in his perspective, of course.

I once questioned if the stars (most of them, sadly, have passed away) would feel betrayed because Eddie wrote about them, not necessarily with their consent. After reading most of the weekly series, I don't think they would feel betrayed. I guess is because the things he wrote about are mostly positive, or he tried to give it a positive spin even if they are not.

Overall, I just feel it was worth reading, provided you can just skim across the not-so-humble parts in various sections. At least now I can truly understand why Anita looked up to him and respected him like an older brother, and he did care for Anita better than any of her true family members. I find that I get to know Anita a bit more, and reinforced in a different way, some details about her personalities and traits that have already been described in other ways by her other friends.

May be some of you can write about how you feel after reading those series, or after reading the book, assuming it would be out for sale pretty soon.

Re: I feel that Eddie Lau's Autobiography is worth reading.

Read it in Ming Po. I can tell you that I myself will not spend even a cent on him.

Re: I feel that Eddie Lau's Autobiography is worth reading.

Thanks for the feedback.

Would you like to elaborate on that and explain why you feel that way?

I am sure lots of readers would be interested.

Re: I feel that Eddie Lau's Autobiography is worth reading.

To my knowledge, most of Anita fans have so bad feeling after reading this so call autobiography.

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