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Anita's Jewellery Collection to be sold in an Auction on Oct 5th 2011

[2011-09-10]梅艷芳 43件首飾 蘇富比拍賣
Source: Hong Kong Apple Daily News (Next Media)

Quick Translation:

The High Court has granted approval for auctioning 43 pieces of Anita's jewellery and watch collection. The money would be used to pay for property maintenance and management fees, as well as her mother's living expenses.

The collection is estimated to be worth over $2.6 million (probably HK dollars). The jewellery she wore in her 2003 Classic Concert would be included, as well as 18 brand name watches.

BEEP BEEP's comments: I feel rather sad about this. I think I would rather see these items in a Mui Museum, rather than being auctioned off this way.

Let me know how you feel......


【本報訊】已故樂壇天后梅艷芳的遺產代理人獲高等法院批准,委託香港蘇富比於 10月 5日公開拍賣阿梅 43件生前鍾愛的珠寶鐘錶首飾珍藏,所得主要支付她身後物業管理費及維修費,包括梅媽媽的生活費等。
蘇富比珠寶部副主管朱燕儀說, 43件拍賣品,估價逾 260萬元,當中最珍貴要數阿梅 03年因病舉行告別演唱會,當時她穿上婚紗,佩戴估價 70萬元,度身訂做 Gianmaria Buccellati設計的珍珠鑲鑽項鏈及耳墜套裝,她最後一次踏上舞台,臨別高唱「夕陽之歌」。

梅艷芳拍過多套五十及六十年代的懷舊電影,如《胭脂扣》等,影響她對古典藝術飾物情有獨鍾。 80年代,分別購入 1925年, CARTIER PARIS設計的翡翠、寶石配鑽石及琺瑯彩小化妝盒,反映她個人風格品味。
89年已故英國皇妃戴安娜港訪,阿梅與劉培基一起應邀赴會,佩戴的 Gianmaria Buccellati的藍寶石、祖母綠配鑽石項鏈及吊耳環套裝,也會拍賣,估價 30萬元。
朱燕儀說,阿梅的首飾不多,但每件都是她精心細選,當中除了古典懷舊的珠寶首飾,她同時走在領導女性時尚潮流的先端,生前愛戴重金屬大型名貴手錶,盡顯個人風格。今次拍賣珍品中,包括她生前 18隻珍藏名錶。

賣品:珍珠鑲鑽項鏈及耳墜套裝(意大利 Gianmaria Buccellati設計)
估價: 50-70萬元
特點:阿梅 03年告別演唱會上佩戴飾物

估價: 20-30萬元

賣品:翡翠、寶石配鑽石及琺瑯彩小化妝盒 Cartier Paris 1925年設計
估價: 8-15萬元

賣品: K金、鑽石及古典邀舞卡
估價: 4-6萬元
特點: 87年阿梅憑《胭脂扣》贏金馬獎後,寫上金馬獎三字

賣品:勞力士 Daytona精鋼自動上鏈計時腕錶
估價: 5-8萬元


Re: Anita's Jewellery Collection to be sold in an Auction on Oct 5th 2011

You can look at the following link to get more info about the auction:

Re: Anita's Jewellery Collection to be sold in an Auction on Oct 5th 2011

Would like to thank the writer of Pineapple Blog for uploading the article about the auction ( the Blog Link provided above ).

In addition you can also go to the auctioneer website and see all 43 items:

Re: Anita's Jewellery Collection to be sold in an Auction on Oct 5th 2011

At first I was thinking the same way BeepBeep did, however, I have not heard any plan for Mui museum. I remember Mui Ma and her son were gathering money for it the year after Anita passed away. The irony is that this auction is for paying to Mui Ma for her living.

I hope Anita fans win as many as Anita's items.

Re: Anita's Jewellery Collection to be sold in an Auction on Oct 5th 2011

梅啟明踩場高呼「賊贜」 阿梅43件珠寶珍藏拍出680萬



昨日「芳華絕代──梅艷芳珠寶手錶珍藏」蘇富比專場拍賣於會展舉行,一共43件阿梅珍藏的珠寶首飾及手表全數成功拍出,總成交金額約680萬元。當中成交價最高的一件是阿梅於2003年《梅艷芳經典金曲演唱會》即最後一次演唱會中佩戴的Gianmaria Buccellati珍珠鑽石頸鏈及耳環,以158萬元拍出,比估價的70萬元高出1倍。另一套阿梅於戴安娜訪港晚宴中佩戴過的頸鏈和耳環亦以98萬元拍出。

不少阿梅的粉絲昨日都到場競投偶像的珍藏,歌迷會會長蘇小姐與歌迷們一齊參與競投,她以11萬元投得一枚Jacob ﹠Co的手表,並坦言不會捨得戴,只作為一個紀念。歌迷會成員共投了超過10件拍品,約值100萬元。阿梅的契仔亦以6萬多元投了一枚卡地亞的手表,當年是他送給阿梅的禮物。


Re: Anita's Jewellery Collection to be sold in an Auction on Oct 5th 2011

Ref: SingToa Newspaper Oct 6/2011


1. 度身訂製養殖珍珠鑲鑽項鏈及耳墜套裝(Gianmaria Buccellati出品),曾於《梅艷芳經典金曲演唱會》中佩戴。$1,580,000

2. 藍寶石、祖母綠配鑽石項鏈及吊耳環套裝(Gianmaria Buccellati出品),於戴安娜皇妃訪港晚宴中佩戴過。$980,000

3. 31.31卡拉鑽石指環 $325,000

4. 2.39卡拉鑽石吊墜項鏈 $325,000

5. 翡翠、寶石配鑽石及琺瑯彩小化裝盒(Cartier Paris,約1925年)$275,000

6. K黃金配鑽石手鐲$225,000

7. 黃金、鑽石及琺瑯彩「邀舞卡」備時計功能及鉛筆(約1890年)$225,000

8. 共重13卡拉鑽石手鐲(約1950年)$212,500

9. K黃金配鑽石短頸鏈配手鐲套裝(Gianmaria Buccellati出品)$193,750

10. K黃金配鑽石粉盒(Boucheron出品)$187,500


Re: Anita's Jewellery Collection to be sold in an Auction on Oct 5th 2011

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