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how beautiful you rating 1-10!

did you ever wonder how beautiful you are or how pretty you look in front of you crush?

well if you do thats a good thing!! every person should care how that look in sted of just leaving it and whinning about it.

#1 you just dont care.
#2 you kinda care.
#3 you dont listen to what people have to say. (kind)
#4 you try to hide it.
#5 you wear a lot of make up.
#6 you pretend to act pretty.
#7 you dont use that much make up.
#8 you like the way tour body and face is.
#9 you only wear make-up when you have to.
#10 yo just act natural and just leave how your body grows and DON'T EVER TRY TO HIDE IT!!!!
if you are a 1-6 you such always never try to hide you prettyness!! if you are 7-10 you are looking GREAT!! keep up the good work!!