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Jewish families in lurgan from 1880 onwards

or more to be more specific does anybody know if anyone with the surname Hamilton married a member of the small Jewish community in Lurgan towards the end of the 19th or early 20th century? any info much appreciated. Paul

Re: Jewish families in lurgan from 1880 onwards

Hi Paul - Can't help with your specific enquiry but, one of my great-aunts, Minnie Lynch married a Robert Levine sometime in the 1920s. He was a wonderful man but caused family problems by being involved in the Trades Union movement, which upset my captilist O'Hagan/Lynch grandparents!
also, i am ashamed to say that I along with other thoughtless little boys used to knock on the window of Herbert's furnture shop in North St and shout - wittily! - "Ould Herbie the Jew". how i wish i could swallow those stupid words.
hope you have success in your search. cheers