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Mercer, Captain Henry, Laurel Vale

I believe that this entry in the 1846 Lurgan Directory, "Mercer, Captain Henry, Laurel Vale", may be my Grt Grt Grandfather. He was a Captain in the Royal Artillery and served both in the Crimea and the Maori Wars where he was mortally wounded in 1863. The town of Mercer, south of Auckland, was named after him.
I know our branch of the Mercer family moved from Scotland to Hill Hall Court, Co. Down, some generations before, so it wouldn't be too odd for him to be living in Lurgan, it's not very far away.
He would probably have played rugby locally, if there was a team then. He may have married in Lurgan, I don't know!?
Does anyone know if there is any further information about this man?
Where is/was Laurel Vale located?

Re: Mercer, Captain Henry, Laurel Vale

Hi Shirley,

I was wondering if Henry had a brother Arthur and Edward - I have a book that outlines the family in bits and pieces. My great great grandfather was from Farm Lodge near lurgan and his brother Hugh was from Laural Vale in Hillsborough.. Do you have any futrher information that may help clear this up. I have thought about getting the death certificate from New Zealand as it may show who his wife, children and parents are.

Would love to hear and share further information with you as I believe they are very closley related. I would also be interested if you know how the family came from Scotland to Ireland and where the link is??

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards


Re: Mercer, Captain Henry, Laurel Vale

Hiya Shirley,

Have you any more info about Capt Henry Mercer?
Contact Lurgan Library Local librarians in the north of Ireland are very helpful and there is no charge for their services.

All the Best, Christopher