CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Spiritual Warfare in youth ministry

I am writing to ask for your prayers, for a very specific prayer intention.
This semester in youth ministry we are doing The Battle, it is a series of nights on Spiritual Warfare. I am asking for your continued, specific prayers as we battle these nights out with our teens.
As anticipated, when we go down this road of spiritual warfare study and arming ourselves, the targets on our backs becomes bigger, for the enemy. And we in Life Teen are in need of constant prayerful intercession for this semester.
Please pray for our teens, this ministry, and even more so for the adults (Core/Small group leaders and myself) as we plan out these nights. Thank you!

Re: Spiritual Warfare in youth ministry

You have our prayers, Emily. The Adversary doesn't give up easily, but he is blinded by Divine Mercy. I would suggest the rosary and the Divine Mercy chaplet, and the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel before starting these sessions. Warn the youth with whom you're working that they may be peaceful after giving up sin, but even worse temptations will pile upon them. They have to be strong, and persevere in the belief in God's love. God always wins. "Resist him, and he will take flight," says the Good Book.