CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Dear Prayer Warriors,

I beseech you in the Lord's Holy Name, to pray for me for deliverance from the struggle of addiction.

I'm addicted to distraction in frivolous things, such as internet gossip, entertainment, and basically any thing that doesn't even remotely have anything to do with me or my life.

Due to my job (political researcher), I'm compelled to sit in front of a computer screen for nearly nine hours a day. So the portal to expound on my addiction is consistently before me.

It may seem that this is an addiction relatively easy to overcome, OR not very drastic in its effects. Allow me to ensure you that this is not the case. While this may not be a sin itself (if kept at control through a rigorous time-allotment system), it leads to several deadly sins:

- It dulls the spirit which brings in all sorts of problems.
- It creates images in the brain that pop up at the oddest moments making concentration wholly impossible.
- It is idolatry in the widest possible sense.
- I waste the precious time and talents given to me by God, and fail to honor Him by working with heart, and appreciation for the graces He permits me.
- Since it dulls the spirit, it brings to surface previous addictions I've had and overcome, and so acts as a gateway (eg: ************ and Pornography).

The list goes on, but, in short, it's destroying the very fabric of my life (spiritual and corporeal), and I need your humble prayers that our Father in Heaven, in His Mercy, grants me the Grace to NEVER misuse the graces He grants me, and to never ever offend Him willing-fully.

I thank you in Christ, and I bless you with all the Merits of His Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Jack +