CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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CCMM Prayer Requests Message Board
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Established in 1836 after two locutions to the parish priest, the Archconfraternity of the Immaculate Heart requires one "Hail, Mary" for sinners, the Holy Father, and the Church. Join by sending only enrollee names with first class postage clearly marked "FIRST CLASS" to:
Archconfraternity of the Immaculate Heart
6, rue Notre-Dame des Victoires
75002, Paris FRANCE

"God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart." The "only" means to peace is through the triumph of the Immaculate Heart per the Fatima message. "Pray the daily Rosary for peace." --OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY, Fatima, Portugal

Kindly keep me and my intentions in prayer and may God lavishly bless all our benefactors, uniting all in the Holy Spirit. Thanks.