CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Please pray for the Retreat I will help lead

Dear Sisters,

My name is Toan Cao and I am a 17 year old high school student striving towards sainthood and discerning the priesthood. I beg for your prayers for a "Kairos" retreat that I will be leading for my fellow peers/students at a Jesuit high school. I beg for your prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of Love. I also beg for you to please fast for me(and everyone on the retreat) and to offer up your sufferings for conversions, open hearts, a true resolve for change. I also have to give a talk since I am one of the leaders. I humbly implore you to intercede to the Holy Spirit to give me the gift of apostolic preaching so that I make speak with zeal and love and that I may lead my group as Christ would lead his Apostles. This retreat will take place November 5-8, 2014. If one person could please fast each day and offer one holy hour for us during these days, I know that hardened hearts will be touched. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS in advance. God love and bless you.

Humbly yours,