CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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CCMM Prayer Requests Message Board
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Dear Father, I pray that my son Anthony does great in this interview and gets his first job. He has been looking for two years. Lord I pray that you work in the interviewers heart and mind and allow them to see his potential and take that chance on him. I think this could bring about the changes I have been praying to you for. Lord I pray you save my son. He needs a shot to make it in this world. Lord, I pray that you continue to work in Will and I's relationship. Please let us remain focused on each other, on peace and happiness and romance and love. Please let him propose to me officially instead of just test proposing all the time. I want to be his wife, and if that is truly his intention as well, then I pray he stops talking about it, and takes action on it. Lord I pray that we continue to find great success in our careers and that we can be financially secure. I pray that work on our home pays off in the appraisal and we can indeed reach the next level of our life. Thank you for the many blessings we have in my life. In Jesus name I pray Amen.