CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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God's Healing & Protecting Peace....Recovery!



May 30,2014.

Dear Sisters & Community of Prayer,

Slow Recovery from the Death of Our Only Son and Other Ongoing Sorrows and Hardships!

Thank you for standing with us in daily prayer for God's Mercy & Peace!

The circumstances of our lives sadly to say are terrible! Our Wealthy Landlord has just raised our rent again to support his lavish life style on the backs of the poor like our selves!

Also we are so tired and exhausted beyond words!We have no family any more!No true friends!No true parish we can go to with a heart! That is not taken over by Corporate greed! We are well passed 60 and no future!

My prayer now ,baring a MIRACLE!!! is for God to put us to sleep and die in His Arms! There is nothing left to live for! And we are not quitters! BUT THE COLD BLOODED REALITY IS THAT WE ALL HAVE OUR LIMITS AND GIVEN THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES AND LONG ENOUGH WE CAN ALL CRUMBLE! NO ONE IS IMMUNE TO SITUATIONS THAT CAN BERRY US! IF WE THINK WE CAN HANDLE IT,THEN WE LIVE IN A DREAM WORLD!!WE ALL NEED GOD AND EACH OTHER!! WE ARE NOT A ISLAND TO OUR SELVES! But there comes a time when you see the hand writing on the wall and say, OK GOD, THEN IT MUST BE OUR TIME TO GO! Sadly in this society and church unless you are wealthy,well connected and flash and glam you are Nothing! THIS IS A FACT!!!

"The poor are shunned even by their neighbor ,but the rich have many friends." Proverbs 14:20. Bible.

Despite everything we will continue rest our hearts in God's Presence! All that matters Now is God's Will and entering His Eternal Rest!

Please continue to pray for us daily for the long term? Please pass on to others who can pray for us daily for the long term? Nuns,Sisters,Convents,Monasteries,Friars,Priests,Prayer Groups and Others you know of in the Worldwide Community of Prayer?URGENT!!!

Thank you for patience and prayers,

Bill and Carol. oh. usa

PS. As long as we have breath we will keep you in our daily prayers as our broken and exhausted hearts cries out!