CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Heartbroken and Financial Problems

Please pray that my heart heals very soon. I am so crushed, that my closest friend and I believe I will die soon from the suffering. My fiance broke up with me suddenly a month ago. I gave my whole heart to him. I'm not sure what happened, but he apparently wanted a different type of woman from what he later explained (Only after I struggled to get in touch with him to find at least something out as to what had occurred).
Please pray that the truth comes out so I see what happened, and so also does his family. Please pray that he miss me at least as terribly as I miss him and that there is soon a happy resolution. I truly believed we were to be married in the Church and now my heart, body and soul are in grave suffering.

Also, pray that if some hidden sin has caused him to separate from me and hate me, pray that God rebukes him in this life and soon, so that he may turn back to God and love Him and those who also wish to do His will. Let him know how much he hurt me for having detested me for my chastity and loyalty.

And lastly, I am changing from unemployment to my new job and I am having difficulty financially. PLease pray that I make enough money to take care of all my bills.