CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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New Evangelization ministry

Dear Mother,
I am writing you from Belize in Central America. Our founder of the Society of the Most Holy Trinity has requested that we answer the call of John Paul II for a "New Evangelization" using Media to counteract the effects of Media on the Culture. We are to use, "every media, and to such a high standard and to be in front of the technology, so as to capture and restore our youth to a Culture of Life, of peace and to receive Christ as the answer to their emptiness."
We have spent seven years preparing for this apostolate, and now having a building, the technology for the start up, and the will through the Grace of God to persevere to this end, we are about to launch our two radio stations in Belize and to expand our signal to reach the largest metropolitan area.
We have land up in the ready to install a tower so that a large demographic area of Central America will receive our signal.
The enemy who is very active in Belize, tries to thwart us from moving one inch lately. We need people, further technology, specialists in programming and hosts for shows. We need more people for administration and we are as it were, "up to our waist in quick sand".
We are requesting prolonged and focused prayers to help us break through this demonic force against us and break into the will of God for Belize. We are asking if you would permit the Sisters to pray for us on a certain day or a certain hour each day, what our Spiritual Director, Father James Blount, SOLT, has said will break us through, the full four mysteries of the Rosary and one Chaplet to St Michael. We are trying to confirm these prayers, and make a schedule to know when they are being said, so if you agree, will you inform me of the time and the type of prayer you have agreed to pray for us.
Our very deep gratitude for your Sisters and their lives as bride of Christ! May God richly reward you now and in the Kingdom.
Kay Allen
Missionary for SOLT
Totus Tuus Media, dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe