CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Prayers for my Mother

My mother is by far the strongest and most enduring woman I've ever had the pleasure of knowing or loving. That is why it broke my heart the day we found out that she had precancerous cells and would need to go to a major medical center for surgery to remove said "bad" cells. I have never in my life met a kinder, more giving, and just plain good woman. I strive to be as good a mother to my daughter as my mother has been to me. She raised both my brother and I completely on her own and has worked her entire life to make sure my brother and I never went without, even if it meant she did. Now as she has aged and I am grown, with a daughter of my own, it's my turn to return the favor and take care of my dear mom, as she has taken care of me in my short 27 years. I simply ask for an abundance of prayers to be sent up to our Lord for my mother, Rita. She is very strong and has so much faith that she could probably get by on her prayers alone, but I would like to ask that each one of you who read this post, please just say a prayer for my mother, that she may be healed through God's miraculous ways and given a chance to do what she has so desired for many years, to be a Catholic Worker at Casa de Juan Diego in Houston, TX. You see, mom was supposed to depart from PA on October 30, 2012 to begin a new chapter in her life and 4 days after she purchased her plane ticket she got the devastating news that she had the precancerous cells and immediate attention was needed, thus changing her plans. As much as I want my mom here with me, I realize that she too should be able to follow her own dreams and this is that dream. I just want my mom to feel that her life had value and she made a difference in people's lives, even total strangers. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my request for prayers. May God Bless each and every one of you today, and for always. Peace be with you.

Re: Prayers for my Mother

Dear Maria-Elena - Please know that my heart and prayers are with you and for your mother, Rita. Mom's are always such wonderful, loving, giving and compassionate people.

God bless you,
Sr. M. Faustina