CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Pregnant with high risk twins

Dear Sisters,
My very dear friend recently found out she was pregnant with twins. She is now 13 weeks pregnant and the doctors have discovered that she is carrying monochroionic monoamniotic identical twins. This means they share an amniotic sac and a placenta and occurs in only 1% of twin pregnancies or about 1 in 60,000 pregnancies. They are at high risk of cord entanglement and compression which could cause fetal demise of one or both. She will have to be hospitalized at 24 weeks until she delivers for constant monitoring. To worsen matters, she had a very difficult pregnancy less than 2 years ago when she had an emergent delivery of her premie 29 week gestation daughter. Her husband is in the Air Force and works very long hours. Fortunately, she has a very supportive family to help support her daughter at home. Please keep her in your prayers, as she is a wonderful, doting person who really needs your help.
Thank you for your time,