CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Urgent Prayer request

Renuka De silva
63 a 1
Kudahakapola North
Ja ela
Sri Lanka

I am a christian Mother of 2 sons living in Sri lanka. Since 13 years i am struggling with familly troubles and Financial troubles. My Husband has a Affair with a woman since many years. He is doing Witchcraft agenst me since 12 years. He is doing everything to destroy my life and marry that woman.He hate me.He is harresing me. He is doing all for that woman. He is spending lot of Money for her. He deposits Money for her Bank Account every Month. He takes her every where.
He treat me like a Servant. My Children and my self we havent anything. Some days i havent any Money to buy food. Day by day my situation becomes worst. I am steping to poverty. I have lost everything.
I am sick now. I have Diabetes and Heart trouble.My life is full of Sorrow. Struggles.Debt,Tears, Financial troubles and Sickniss.My Husbands Brothers and Sisters are harresing me. They are trying to Break our Familly. They are trying to take our Property. Please Pray for me to get deliverance from troubles. Please Pray for a Financial Blessing. Please send me a reply.Thank you. God bless you.