CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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CCMM Prayer Requests Message Board
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Bladder cancer(Joseph mullin)

Hi, I am so glad I found this site. I am in desperate search for prayers for my father who is fighting cancer. He was originally diagnosed with bladder cancer and recently found out that it may have possibly spread to his liver. The Dr. are unsure!!! I believe in the Power of PRAYER and hope this message finds many that will pray for my dad. I am my dads primary caretaker and it breaks my heart to see him struggle so much. Its like a neverending rollercoaster ride. One day is great and the other day is awful. He is a devout Catholic and is such a caring man who puts everyone else's needs in front of his. Please help us by the power of prayer in Jesus' name. Thx you for your time!!!!!