CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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CCMM Prayer Requests Message Board
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Special Intentions

"The Holy Guardian Angels’ Special Prayers"
(It is especially offered up for Priests and religious, the Poor Souls in Purgatory, the salvation of the dying, and for the deep continuing conversions of all people, especially for the obstinate, lost and poor sinners.)

""Dearest Mother Mary, through your Immaculate Heart, united to the infinite merits of your Son's Sacred Heart, the whole Heavenly Court, and the Church on earth, please intercede, direct, and allow all the souls in purgatory and all the Guardian Angels to
intercede for all the intentions of the Church and Pope, and that are upon our hearts, which are offered up for others, the world, and ourselves. Also let these special Angels that are present at all the Eucharistic Celebrations of the whole world, each and every day in perpetuity through your grace, that each Guardian Angel bring a soul out of purgatory, conversion and contrition for a dying soul and deep miraculous conversion for a lost soul, so the evil one be left empty-handed. Mama Maria let all people who have chosen and been gifted with celibacy, especially Priests, religious, and the consecrated, that each and every day of living the celibate life, that they to also bring out souls out of purgatory, conversions to the dying and new miraculous conversions for the lost each day. Mother Mary may your Virginal, Pure and Immaculate Heart
reign in all souls and may many more people come to live in Christ. Amen.
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, St. Joseph, St. John Vianney, St. Gemma Galgani, St. Padre Pio, and St. Faustina pray for us.""