CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Prayers for a discerner

My name is Kristina. I have been discerning a vocation to become a Sister for quite a while. I wanted to be a priest when I was 3 years old, and at 5 settled on being a nun. That desire has ebbed and flowed throughout my life. It was strong in junior high and high school and weak in college. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life, so I became a music teacher. I do enjoy this job greatly, but I feel there is more out there for me. My friends have all fulfilled their dreams as teachers, wives, mothers... but I feel called to something different. My heart is not satisfied with what is normal and straight in the way of the world. I want more. I want different. I want to do something for the greater good of all. I want the God I love to be, not just a part of my life, but the entirety of my being.

I am trying to find my calling, who I am, and what I am to do. Please pray for me on this journey. My supporters are few and my doubts are many.

Throughout college I drifted from my Best Friend and now have trouble hearing His Voice and being fully devoted. He is what makes me happy, but I have driven myself into a desert. Pray for patience and self discipline, that I might gain the grace to strive toward Him, My Love, no matter what the cost.

I also struggle with the fear of not being called to the religious life. This is clouding my view and causing much confusion on my part. Pray that I trust where God calls me to go... no matter where, or what, that might be.

Lastly, please send up your prayers for my attatchment to this world. I have a beloved dog with whom I don't want to part, my desire to write and produce a praise CD, my attatchment to my comfot possessions, and finally my cloudy, but somewhat concrete dream of owning a home and supporting myself.

I thank you for your prayers and the thought strengthens me even now as I write.

God Bless,