CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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CCMM Prayer Requests Message Board
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Please Pray for me

Would you please pray, that i get a job soon, as i was made redundant before xmas, and i am getting very depressed, being at home all of the time. I dont see anyone, so i feel i am all alone. I dont have family near me, and i dont have any friends. As i have been hurt in the past very badly, and feel that i cant trust anyone. My eldest daughter will not speak to me, and i dont know why, we have not spoken in over a month. Please God will you help me

Thankyou for praying for me

Re: Please Pray for me

Dear Susan,

Yes, I will keep you in my daily prayers for a job and for an uplift of your spirit. Cling; stay very close to Jesus Crucified and during this "down" time, listen to Him speak words of comfort to you. He is with you even if you don't feel it. Pray Psalm 23 every day - "The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing that I want....."

Above all, seek help from the local church or Catholic Charities. They will help you or at least give you some options.

In Deep Prayer - United with you in the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
