CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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in need of prayers

I am a college student and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life. I am struggling with some personal problems, and I need God now, perhaps more than ever, but I just can't feel Him. I need to know that He is here with me, and that He has a plan for my life that is going to be revealed to me very soon. I often wonder if I am in the right place right now, and I'm beginning to doubt that I have a specific purpose here on earth. I am scared, and I feel alone, and I need answers. Please pray for me.

Re: in need of prayers

Dear Elizabeth,

Yes, be assured of my prayers for you right now and know that God is indeed very close to you; so close that He is carrying you in His arms. He assured us that He would always be with us and that He would never abandon us. If you have a rosary; hold it in your hands and look at the crucifix. See what He did for us; the love He has for us. He died for us so that we could live with Him forever.

Leave your future in His hands and just take one day at a time; holding His hand. Focus on Him and He will lead you. Also ask our Heavenly Mother to aid you; pray the rosary - even if you feel you can't pray and have no "feelings" that God is with you. Say those prayers; slowly and if you find a word in the prayer that touches your heart; focus on it. Allow His word to penetrate your heart. It will.

My prayers are with you.

In Jesus,