CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Please Heaven

Dear Sisters please pray for me, I am in a bad way. My life has changed so much and I just can not deal with this. Please storm Heaven for a miracle. Please help me Dear Lord. Please bless Sister Geraldine. Please send a sweet surprise. Thank you

Re: Please Heaven

You are in our thoughts and prayers, babylou.

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant-
Success in circuit lies:
Too bright for our infirm delight
The truth's superb surprise.
As lightning to the children eased
With explanation kind,
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind.

-Emily Dickinson

Dia is Muire duit,
Sr. Maria

Re: Please Heaven -- You pray for me that I am healthy enough to do ADORATION.

If you pray that I am heallthy enough to do ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, I can assure you that jesus and His angels will send you relief.
Say a Hail Mary and an Our Father for me to be able to do ADORATION. I can assure you that in adoration I am in Heaven with the angels, the martyers, and all the saints. My only joy is adoration, to be with jesus.

David Cummings