CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Sr. Geraldine

Please pray for Sr. Geraldine - a Religious Teacher of St. Lucy Filippini. She is back in the hospital for more surgery of cancer in her stomach/intestines. She is 83 years old and to me a living saint. She is my spiritual director.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated as I will continue to pray for her and also for all of your needs.

God Bless You.
Sr. M

Re: Sr. Geraldine

Please Dear Lord be with St G. Please help her in this time of need. Please bless her. Thank you, with much love.

Re: Sr. Geraldine

Thank you for your prayers. Sr. Geraldine was in surgery for over 9 hours but made it through. The Dr. removed 2 tumors from her abdomen. Please continue keeping her in prayer for a speedy recovery and also keep Sr. Josphine in your prayers as she makes the trip back and forth from NJ to Philadelphia.

God bless you,
Sr. M

Re: Sr. Geraldine - Pray that I am healthy enough to do Adoration for Her

I will pray for Sr. Geraldine in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. But I need your prayers that I am healthy enough to do Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

My Adoration for Sr. Geraldine will be very powerful, pray that I myself can do Adoration.

David Cummings