CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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Prayer intentions from around the world

These intentions are covered in prayer from Fr. Mike in Hong Kong to the Lourdes Shrine in France and cloistered communities of religious across North America. Fr. G. writes from Sarasota, FL. that he has printed these intentions out and places them on the altar when he celebrates Mass.

We humbly invite you to join us in praying:

1. For peace, especially in the Middle East and for the spiritual conversion of all terrorists.

2. Eternal rest grant onto Br. Gus, Joe & Ernesto. May perpetual light shine upon them, and may our prayers and acts of compassion be a source of consolation to their families.

3. For the spiritual conversion of John, Dan & families.

4. That Marc continue to be totally healed of his drug addiction, for his sister, Brenna & brother, Kevin who have also been affected.

5. Thank God for the continued regeneration and healing of Michelle's liver.

6. For the healing of Angie's relatives, Mike, Elizabeth, Sr. Marilyn, Sr. Ana, Penny,
Richard and Anthony who have cancer.

7. For the intentions of Nancy and her children.

8. For Alice's full recovery after cataract eye complications.

9. For a spiritual & financial blessing re: the charitable work of D.R.E.A.M.S., Absolute, the Precious Blood & Life Apostolate & the Chantal

10. For the healing & transformation of those who are afflicted with alcoholism, especially three individuals.

11. For the health concerns and healing of Mary Jane's relatives.

12. For Julie, Marie, Heather, Paul, Bob, Joseph, Myrtle, Herman, Ellis, Clarence, Des, Ida, Rosa,
Paolo, Peggy & Mary Kay's health issues.

13. For the healing of the vision of Trudy, Rob, Tom, Jim, Tim, Peter, Marci & her mother.

14. For Fr. Bob, C.S.C., and all those who suffer courageously with terminal illnesses.

15. For Andrew & Anthony's education, especially this week during exams.

16. For the full protection and restoration of marriage between husband and wife.

17. For the unborn, especially the ones we have adopted spiritually.

18. For Tom & Chuck's special intentions.

19. For a financial blessing.