CCMM Our Lady of the Cloister Ministry Prayer Requests Message Board

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CCMM Prayer Requests Message Board
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Please Dear Lord please grant my prayer in my heart, Please I am begging. Thank you.

Re: miracle


You were included in my Holy Communion and prayers today, and since the aspirants read this board, they are praying for you too.

The will of God is always done-- we don't always agree or understand It, but if your request is in agreement the salvation of your soul and the greater glory of the Lord, it will surely come to pass.

Pray to our Lady of Miracles:

O Mary, humble Virgin,
You were raised by our heavenly Father,
the Worker of Miracles,
to be the Mother of His Son and our Mother.

At the marriage feast of Cana, compassion moved you
to prompt the first public miracle of your Son,
the change of water into wine.
Close to Him throughout His life,
You shared His suffering on Calvary
and His joy at the Resurrection.
After your life on earth,
You were taken up, body and soul,
into heavenly glory
and exalted as Queen of the Universe.

O Mary, Our Lady of Miracles,
You are the way that leads to Christ.
You smiled with pity on the paralytic of Mussomeli.
As the loving Patroness of all Mussomelese
throughout the world,
You continue to shower countless favors and blessings.

We beg you, Lady of Miracles,
to take us under your mantle
and obtain for us from your divine Son these graces:
strength in weakness,
comfort in sorrow,
pardon in sin,
peace at all times;
and for our dearly departed, eternal rest.

Following in the footsteps of our ancestors,
we pledge a life of deep faith,
boundless hope and ardent charity,
with heaven as our lasting home
where one day we trust to share your glory.


Re: miracle

I will keep your intention in prayer especially at Mass and Holy Communion. Keep this prayer in your heart - "Jesus, I trust in You". If you know the Chaplet of Mercy, pray that as well. I will offer up the rosary and chaplet of mercy for your intention.

Above all, trust in Jesus - His will be done.

God bless you.