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Sherry's Praise and Prayer Pages

Thanks for Visiting our Praise and Prayer Pages.  If you have a Specific Praise or Prayer Request, please let us know.  We KNOW the Power of Prayer as evidenced in our own lives.  Also, if you feel led, please read the other requests and pray for them as well.  Come back and let us know how your prayer was answered, too.  Resting in HIM,   Sherry

Sherry's Praise and Prayer Pages
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Im requesting pray for shannon huddleston she is 17, she has fallen away from Goid been caught up in lying and sexual addictions, she is involved with a guy 28 now she has been involved online sexual activites her parents know nothing about it, she has talked of running away and also meeting this guy, he isnt a good guy i ask please that you will pray for her deliverance and safety thankyou.