I would like to know your opinion on horse slaughter . Please take the time to let us know how you feel about it .
Did you know that a horse slaughter plant is due to open in march in illinois ...the name of it is cavel . There is a bill that is in the process of being reviewed that will stop it if we can get enough supporters . The bill is SB 1921 . You can go the the helpahorse yahoo group to get a list of illinois reps to contact by fax or email to urge them to support the bill. YOu can also join the yahoo group agaistslaughter at http://groups.yahoo.com/grou/againstslaughter/ they offre several options also.
What ever you do please don't be silent..voice your opinion.As well please supoort support and urge for support for HR 857 9 THE HORSE SLUGHTER PREVNTION ACT)