Golden Flower Forum

The Golden Flower Forum is for the discussion of Kundalini Meditation and related effects, results, and experiences. The purpose of this Forum is not to voice opinions; it's to exchange real life experiences, observations, and, to some extent, conclusions on the practical aspects of Kundalini - preparation for, practice of, living with. Kundalini - before, during, and after.

What led up to your experience, what did your experience consist of, how has your experience affected and/or changed your life? Metabolically, somatically, psychologically, sexually, and health-wise. All contents are welcome, as long as they are sincerely offered and lived first-person. 

It is my hope that this Forum will not devolve into a wanton exchange of opinion; there are many sites on the net dedicated to this activity. 

I will do my best to provide answers, but you must also seek them out yourself. There's a lot of misinformation out there. SO you have to be your own detective and your own best critic. In the end, you have to examine everything anyone tells you (including my comments) with a critical eye. I'm not you and you're not me, so any comments I make about your situation are only so much guesswork, informed by my Kundalini experience, perhaps, but still guesswork.

If you don't think you're getting answers to your specific questions in the forum, you can request a private, one-on-one consultation.

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Help kriyas

Sat nam, I went to my usual kundalini yoga session we started off with warmups and than went into kriyas we did spinal breathing, breath of fire, etc I got extreme vibrations in my head and body during class especially my pinky and ring finger on both hands and my head and face the vibrations were so strong it was hard to open my mouth it felt as if something was squeezing my mouth closed that's how powerful the vibrations were and I couldn't separate my fingers they were stuck together from the vibrations my legs were vibrating and felt like jello. I got super terrified and almost had a panic attack. now I feel spaced out,anxious and dull the soles of my feet are sweaty and my palms. When the class was over I told the instructor and she said it was normal but I'm still out of it. although I always get the strong vibrations in my head and face never this dramatic, I thought I would faint,I tried to finish the session but every time I closed my eyes I became anxious now 4 days later I have this pressure in my head more particularly in my forehead and frontal sinuses that won't go away especially when I close my eyes to meditate,I'm still spaced out and anxious and depressed and panicky.I don't feel like myself I have no desires to do anything. Any suggestions?

Re: Help kriyas

Sounds like you had an interesting class. At least you know something definitely happened.

Protein helps with grounding. More oils and fats can help you to sleep better. You can get a quick response in your mood from using food, which is why it is such a popular strategy.

Acupuncture and massage helped me with kriyas. They were interfering with my sleep and made it hard to relax to meditate. What is happening is that Kundalini is taking advantage of opportunities to work on you. It is natural to feel out of control (and maybe a bit anxious) as a result. You are out of control, literally, while you are being worked on. It isn't easy to get to this point, and you are to be congratulated. It takes effort and determination over a period of time.