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Email Pals Wanted!

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Email Pals Wanted!
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Email Pals

Just wants some Email pals or sumthing soo if you want to get to know me! im 20 f southern hit me up!

Re: Email Pals

hi my name is glen i have been a christian since 1982 and am happyly married have three kids and a loving wife

christ thehope ofglory

hello i wanted to be one of yoour pals .i have added you to my msn so that we can chat.God bless kevin

Re: Email Pals

Yo yo..I saw your message that you want some email what's good?? I'm a hardcore Lette from Columbus,Ohio. Ain't **** here..kickin it with the ppl I can find that are down with the clown..not too keep it real...if you got a myspace, let me know.